2018 Elections
Election Day was April 18, 2018 for District 3, District 6 and District 7
Congratulations to our Re-elected Council Members:
Sharee Mandel-Benyacar (District 3)
Darryn Mandel (District 6)
Janet Law (District 7)
The College's Council and Committees are made up of eight elected physiotherapists (PTs) from regions across the province, two academic representatives selected by their peers and seven members of the public appointed by the Government of Ontario. Physiotherapists on Council are nominated and elected by their peers and serve a three-year term.
Council members are involved in establishing policies to ensure that College operations reflect corporate goals and safeguard the organization’s assets. The election of Council members is an important part of physiotherapy regulation. Council members make decisions that affect how physiotherapy is practiced and regulated in Ontario, such as approving changes to entry-to-practice requirements, establishing standards of practice and conduct, and approving new programs. All Council members are required to participate in the College’s statutory Committees and may serve on task forces and working groups as well.
Learn More about College Council and Elections