News Updates

May 27, 2020

Return to Practice: Updated Ministry Direction and Guidance for Physiotherapists

On May 26, 2020, Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health released changes to Directive 2, which originally required all regulated health professionals to stop or reduce non-essential services.

Effective May 26, 2020, physiotherapists and other regulated health professionals can, when all necessary precautions and protocols are in place to protect patients and themselves, gradually and carefully begin providing all services, including non-essential services.

See the changes to Directive 2.

Read the Ministry's COVID-19 Operational Requirements: Health Sector Restart.

What this change means for physiotherapists

This change does not mean that you should immediately return to providing in-person care.

Physiotherapists and their employers must assess the risks of providing care in-person and implement appropriate infection control and prevention measures. 

You are ONLY permitted to provide in-person care when you are satisfied that the benefits of providing care in-person outweigh the risks and appropriate infection control and prevention measures are in place.

You should monitor the spread of COVID-19 in your community to inform your decisions of when to return to practice. Refer to data from the Ontario GovernmentPublic Health Ontario and your local public health unit.

You are REQUIRED to limit the number of in-person visits for your safety and the safety of patients. PTs are in the best position to determine if care can be provided virtually and or if care can safely resume in-person with appropriate precautions and protocols in place to protect you and your patients.

The amended government directive lists principles to consider when making these decisions.

Guidance for physiotherapists returning to in-person practice

To help PTs plan for a gradual and safe return to practice, the College has developed return to practice guidance. This guidance should be followed in conjunction with guidance from the Ministry of Health.

Information is changing quickly, so please note that guidance may change. Check the College’s website regularly for the latest information.

If you have any questions, please contact the College’s Practice Advice team at or 1-800-583-5885 ext. 241.