CAPR Board Approves Clinical Component Innovation Roadmap
On October 21, the Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators (CAPR) presented a Clinical Component Innovation Roadmap. They are pleased to announce that the Board approved immediate implementation of an Innovation Roadmap.
Adapting to “COVID Times”
CAPR will embrace new innovations to deliver a viable Clinical Component in 2021. The Clinical Component CAPR delivers in 2021 will be:
- a “virtual” exam (i.e., experienced by candidates in a digital environment);
- a “touchless” exam (i.e., candidates will not be in the same room as standardized clients);
- delivered with greater annual frequency than ever before to address the backlog created by the cancellation of 2020 exams in addition to typical demand;
- recorded to safeguard fairness and validity.
To contact CAPR, email or call 416-234-8800.
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