Request for Proposal: Financial Audit Services
This Request for Proposals (“RFP”) is an invitation to obtain Proposals from qualified and experienced accounting firms (“Firm”) to perform the audit of the annual financial statements for the College of Physiotherapists of Ontario (“College”) for a maximum of five (5) one-year terms.
Audits must be planned and executed in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards, the Canadian accounting standards for Not-For-Profit as in Part III of the CICA Handbook (“ASNPO”), and the Ontario Regulated Health Professions Act, S.O. 1991, Chapter 18 (“RHPA”).
The successful Firm should have experience and expertise in performing financial audits for not-for-profit organizations, be free of any obligations or interests that may conflict or affect their ability to perform and act as the
To participate a Firm must deliver its Proposal to the College, in accordance with the instructions set forth in this RFP before the Closing Date and Time.
All proposals must be received no later than March 1, 2021 at 16.00 hrs. (Eastern Standard Time).
All responses must be submitted electronically or by mail to:
Zoe Robinson, CPA, CMA, Director, Corporate Services,
College of Physiotherapists of Ontario
Attn: Finance Committee
375 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M5G 2J5
Submissions that do not adhere to these requirements may not be accepted.
Questions on this RFP should be directed in writing via email to Zoe Robinson at All questions received by the deadline will be answered and shared with all recipients of the RFP.
Learn more: RFP CPO Auditor